Original disclosure @ AFDB website
Updated in EWS Jun 16, 2022
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According to the bank website, the project mainly seeks to develop a 110-km road linking inter-State zones and open up areas with high agro-sylvo-pastoral potential.
The project comprises: (A) the development of the Hamdara-Wacha-Dungass-Nigerian Border Road, including environmental protection measures; (B) related works, particularly the rehabilitation/construction of socio-economic infrastructure, the development of 150 km related rural roads and 5 km roads in Dungass town, support for agro-pastoral value chains (construction of farmers' houses and livestock vaccination parks , establishment of dairy units, etc.) and support for women and young people; (C) institutional support and project management to conduct technical studies, provide various materials and equipment for proper operation of the project, and operationalize the professionalization policy for transport chain stakeholders.
You can submit an information request for project information at: https://www.afdb.org/en/disclosure-and-access-to-information/request-for-documents. Under the AfDBÕs Disclosure and Access to Information policy, if you feel the Bank has omitted to publish information or your request for information is unreasonably denied, you can file an appeal at https://www.afdb.org/en/disclosure-and-access-to-information/appeals-process.
The Independent Review Mechanism (IRM), which is administered by the Compliance Review and Mediation Unit (CRMU), is the independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who have been or are likely to be adversely affected by an African Development Bank (AfDB)-financed project. If you submit a complaint to the IRM, it may assist you by either seeking to address your problems by facilitating a dispute resolution dialogue between you and those implementing the project and/or investigating whether the AfDB complied with its policies to prevent environmental and social harms. You can submit a complaint electronically by emailing crmuinfo@afdb.org, b.kargougou@afdb.org, b.fall@afdb.org, and/or s.toure@afdb.org. You can learn more about the IRM and how to file a complaint at: https://www.afdb.org/en/independent-review-mechanism/