Original disclosure @ AFDB website
Updated in EWS Aug 12, 2023
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According to the Bank’s website, the proposed operation is a grant of UA 40 million to Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for the Climate Smart Wheat Value Chain Development Project (CREW). The Project is aligned to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), and particularly SDG1 (no poverty), SDG2 (zero hunger), SDG 5 (gender equality) and SDG 13 (climate action). It is also aligned to the African Union's (AU) Agenda 2063 for a Prosperous Africa, based on Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development. The CREW will also contribute to the achievement of the Bank's policy commitments under the Sixteenth General Replenishment of the African Development Fund (ADF-16) strategic direction of Fostering a Climate Smart, Resilient, Inclusive and Integrated Africa, specifically improving the ADF countries' food self-sufficiency and resilience. The Project consists of three components: (i) Climate Smart Wheat Productivity and Production; (ii) Market Infrastructure, Linkages, and Agri-Finance; and (iii) Project Coordination and Management. It is designed to be implemented for five years (2023-2028).
The project development objective is to improve wheat productivity and production thereby increasing the incomes of small-scale wheat farmers in Ethiopia.
Edson Rurangwa MPYISI
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