Original disclosure @ AFDB website
Updated in EWS Jun 15, 2020
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The Public Finance Management Strengthening Support Project (PARGEFIP) was designed to respond to Cameroon's current major public finance challenge. It's part of implementation of Phase II of Vision 2035, and the Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (GESP, 2020-2027). The PARGEFIP aims to accompany the policy support reform programme to ensure the sustainable implementation of reform actions, particularly in the area of public finance management where the need for institutional strengthening is acutely felt. Through its activities, the project is expected to improve the quality of public investment in the energy, transport and rural development sectors. In the medium term, the project will enable the population to benefit from better access to electricity, better maintained roads, equitable access to public procurement, and a framework conducive to the development of their activities. The PARGEFIP has three components. The first component focuses on budgetary resource mobilisation capacity building. The second component aims to strengthen the PFM framework, including that for public debt. The third and last component concerns project management.
The project's global objective is to enhance the performance, integrity and transparency of the PFM system and its compliance with international standards by improving budgetary resource mobilisation as well as the quality and impact of public investment expenditure. The specific objectives are to (i) optimise the mobilisation of domestic budgetary resources; (ii) limit budgetary risks through the control and proper management of budget execution; (iii) align the institutional framework and internal/external audit practices with international standards; and (iv) Build PFM human and IT capacity.
The direct beneficiary is the State of Cameroon, through the Ministries and departments in charge of Finance, Economy and Planning and Regional Development. Specifically, the project will benefit the following institutions: DREF/ Ministry of Finance (MINFI), Directorate General of Taxes (DGI)/Ministry of Finance (MINFI), Autonomous Sinking Fund (CAA)/Ministry of Finance (MINFI), General Directorate of the Economy (DGE)/Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT), Ministry of Public Procurement (MINMAP), Public Procurements Regulatory Agency (ARMP), the Supreme State Audit Office and the Audit Bench. The private sector, particularly road sub-sector SMEs, including those managed by rural women and youths, are the indirect beneficiaries of PARGEFIP. The project's final beneficiaries are the population of the whole country.
LUMBILA Kevin Numbi
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