Original disclosure @ GCF website
Updated in EWS Dec 12, 2024
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According to the GCF, the H2R programme aims to provide affordable and green energy access to first-time users in low-income populations in 16 countries in Africa. The programme will support off-grid solar companies to enter and grow in these underserved markets by providing flexible financing that matches the needs of the companies. The programme seeks to mobilise a blend of donor and private finance to deliver off-grid solar solutions to least developed communities via pay-as-you-go financing methods. The goal is to close a historically persistent energy gap in sub-Saharan countries, thereby contributing to a more just and inclusive energy systems transition.
As stated on the company's website, Acumen is a global force of entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists, and social innovators working together to break the cycle of poverty.
Financial Intermediary - Acumen Fund, Inc.:
Website: https://acumen.org/
Ms. Lynn Roland - General Counsel
Phone: +1 (212) 566-8821
Email: lroland@acumen.org
Ms. Katherine Montgomery - Director of Business Development, Government Partnerships
Phone: +254 716 252 802
Email: kmontgomery@acumen.org
National Agencies Involved:
Benin - Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development:
Address: 01 BP 3502 - 01 BP 3621, Cotonou, Benin
Mr. Martin Aïna - Director General, Division of Climate Change
Phone: +229 96613936
Email: maina@gouv.bj / marnickson@yahoo.fr
Mr. Théodore Domingo
Phone: +229 97764297
Email: stheodorecossi@yahoo.fr
Burkina Faso - Prime Ministry:
Mr. Nebyida Lamech Kabore - Policy Officer
Phone: +22676 51 50 80 / +226 78 29 27 26
Email: nebyidal@yahoo.fr / nebalamech@gmail.com
Mr. Basile Ouedraogo - Policy Officer
Phone: +226 78 16 48 58 / +226 67 29 24 54
Email: basileouedraogo3@yahoo.fr
Burundi - Ministry of Environment, Agriculture, and Livestock:
Mr. Diomède Ndayirukiye - Director General
Phone: +257 79942336/69733653
Email: bandiom@yahoo.fr
Mr. Jean Mbarushimana
Phone: +257 71 307 924 / +257 68123 426
Email: jeanclaudembu@gmail.com
Chad - Ministry of the Environment, Fisheries and Sustainable Development:
Mr. Abakar Mourno Abdoulaye - Expert Environmentaliste
Address: Avenue Idriss Miskine, N’djamena, Chad
Phone +235 60 28 28 10 / +235 90 88 01 01
Email: abmournofils12@gmail.com
Democratic Republic of Congo - National Coordination of the Green Climate Fund:
Prof. Isaac Kalonda Kanyama - National Coordinator and GCF Focal Point for the Democratric Republic of the Congo
Phone: +243826631495
Email: isaac.kalonda@medd.gouv.cd / ikkanyama@outlook.com
Ms. Francine Katanga Mutanda - Deputy GCF Coordinator
Email: francinek24@gmail.com
Guinea - The National Directorate of the Environment:
Address: Coléah Lansébounyi, Commune de Matam, Conakry, Guinea
Mr. Pierre Lamah - Executive Secretary of the National Designated Authority of the Green Climate Fund
Phone +224 621 773 443
Email: pierlam_georgsoncol17@yahoo.fr
Mr. Mamadou Oury Barry - Substitute
Phone: +224 622 802 465
Email: barry8763@gmail.com
Guinea Bissau - Secretariat of State of the Environment, General Direction of the Environment:
Mr Viriato Cassamá
Address: Avenida dos Combatentes da Liberdade da Pátria Palácio do Governo, Bissau, Guinée-Bissau, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
Phone: +245 578 4046 / +245 678 4046
Email: cassamavilus@gmail.com
Lesotho - Ministry of Energy and Meteorology:
Address: Ministry of Energy and Meteorology Private Bag A91, Maseru, Lesotho
Mokoena France - Director (a.i.) Lesotho Meteorological Services
Phone: +266 223 17250 / +266 59070225
Email: mokoena.france@gov.ls
Mr Habofanoe Augustinus Makopela - Deputy Principal Secretary
Phone: +266 59030095 / +266 22322334
Email: habofanoem@yahoo.com
Malawi - Environmental Affairs Department:
Mrs. Tawonga Mbale-Luka - Director
Address: Environmental Affairs Department Private Bag 394 Lilongwe 3, Malawi, Lilongwe, Malawi
Phone: +265 1 771 111 / +265 1 773 379
Email: tawongam@yahoo.com
Evans Njewa - Environmental Affairs Department Lilongwe 3, Malawi., Lilongwe, Malawi
Phone: +265 1 771 111 / +265 1 770 359 / +265 8888 53245 / +265 9948 53245
Email: njewae@yahoo.com
Mozambique - Ministry of Economy and Finance, National Directorate for Monitoring and Evaluation:
Mr. Albano Manjate - Deputy National Director of Monitoring and Evaluation
Phone: +258 828969570 / +258 843969570
Email: albanomanjate@gmail.com
Niger - National Council of the Environment for Sustainable Development:
Dr. Kamaye Maâzou - Executive Secretary
Address: Cabinet du Premier Ministre, PL 17 Rue du Gouverneur Jules Brévié, BP 10193, Niamey, Niger, Niamey, Niger (the)
Phone +227 207 22 559 / +27 9698 7470 / +227 9022 1700
Email: kamayemaazou@yahoo.fr / kmaazou@gmail.com
Sierra Leone - Environment Protection Agency:
Dr. Bondi Gevao - Executive Chairman
Phone: +23230082924 / +23279049175
Email: gevaob@yahoo.com / bondi.gevao@epa.gov.sl
Somalia - Ministry of Environment and Climate Change:
Villa Somalia, Mogadishu, Somalia
Her Excellency Amb. Khadija Almakhzoumi - Minister
Phone +252617008375
Email: minister@moecc.gov.so
Mr. Abdirashid Ateye - Technical Focal Point
Phone: +252717043772
Email: aateye@moecc.gov.so
Dr. Abdullahi Khalif - Senior Principle
Phone: +252614392902
Email: akhalif@moecc.gov.so
Dr. Jaabir Hussein - Climate Change Specialist
Phone: +252634455580
Email: jaabir@moecc.gov.so
Togo - Directorate of Environment, Ministry of Environment:
Address: 240 rue des Nîmes Lomé - Togo -, Lomé, Togo
Ms. Méry Yaou - Director of Environment
Phone: (+228) 22 21 51 97/90148744 / (+228) 90148744
Email: ymery69@yahoo.fr / fondverttogo@grnail.com
Mr. Komi Sossou Sossou - Environmentalist, head of planning unit
Phone: +228 90 96 44 36
Email: jean2valere@yahoo.fr / komis4436@gmail.com
Uganda - Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development:
Mr. Ramathan Ggoobi - Permanent Secretary / Secretary to the Treasury
Phone: +256414707135
Email: ramathan.ggoobi@finance.go.ug
Mr. Andrew Masaba - Principal Economist / Climate Finance Desk Officer, Development Assistance and Regional Cooperation
Phone: +256 782 177 125 / +256 414 707 161
Email: andrew.masaba@finance.go.ug / Juvenal.Muhumuza@finance.go.ug / Isaac.Katabalwa@finance.go.ug
Zambia - Ministry of Green Economy and Environment:
Mr. Francis Mpampi - National Coordinator
Address: P.O. Box 50555, Corner of John Mbita and National, Lusaka, Zambia
Phone: +260 21 1 252625
Email: francis.mpampi@ndazambia.gov.zm
Mr Akabiwa Nyambe
Email: akabiwa.nyambe@ndazambia.gov.zm
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