Original disclosure @ GCF website
Updated in EWS Aug 3, 2020
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According to bank provided information, Southern Zimbabwe has experienced increasing temperatures since the 1950s with a decline in total annual precipitation and an increase in mid-season dry spells coupled with extreme weather events in the form of droughts and floods. These changes in climate have reduced water availability and increased soil aridity, resulting in declining agricultural yields and impacting the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in this region. In Southern Zimbabwe, rainfall is predicted to decrease by 15 per cent and runoff by 20 per cent in provinces of Manicaland, Masvingo and Matabeleland South, leading to higher food deficits and higher food prices, as well as higher number of drought-related livestock deaths.
The project proposes to address these observed and projected climate impacts and build the resilience of smallholder farmers in three semi-arid agroecological regions of southern Zimbabwe.
United Nations Development Programme:
Mr. Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
Executive Coordinator and Director, Global Environment Finance
304 East 45th Street, FF-9th Floor, New York, NY, United States
PHONE +1 (212) 906-5884
Mr. Robin Merlier
Environmental Policy Specialist Global Environmental Finance, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS)/Global Policy Network
PHONE +1 2129065842
Climate Change Management Department, Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate:
Mr. Washington Zhakata
Director - Climate Change Management Department
Climate Change Management Department, 11th Floor, Kaguvi Building, Corner 4th Street/Central Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
PHONE +263 4 701 681
PHONE Tel.: +263 4 701 681
Mr. Elisha Moyo
Principal Climate Change Research Officer
Climate Change Management Department 11th Floor, Kaguvi Building, Corner 4th Street/Central Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe
PHONE +263 4 701 681
PHONE +263 4 701 683
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