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According to the project document, "[...]The project objective is to transform agriculture in the Basin by increasing resilience among the most vulnerable farmers and strengthening Government’s capacity to support their communities to adapt. To do this, the project will develop the country’s capacity to get and use the information it needs to cope with the impacts of climate change on agriculture and water management by putting in place state-of-the art technology (Component 1). It will build farmers resilience to climate change through skills, knowledge and technology (Component 2), and create a wider enabling environment for continuous adaptation and expanded sustainable uptake of climate-resilient approaches (Component 3).
The project will be implemented in eight districts in Punjab and Sindh Provinces over a six-year period at a total cost of USD 47.69 million. The Ministry of Climate Change, currently Pakistan’s National Designated Authority, will provide general oversight while selected responsible entities from federal, provincial and local government will work with project staff to implement specific activities. They will collaborate with partners from civil society and the private sector, particularly at the field-level, to provide training and other services to agricultural producers. About 1.3 million rural people will be direct project beneficiaries, including women farmers as well as professionals involved in project capacity development. The project will have an economic rate of return of about 16.5 percent and costs per beneficiary of about USD 37."
Grant from Punjab government US$ 8.00 million
Grant from Sindh government US$ 4.70 million
Daniel Gustafson,
Deputy Director General, FAO
Telephone number:+39 0657056320
Mailing address: Viale delle Terme di Caracalla00153 Rome, Italy
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