Original disclosure @ GCF website
Updated in EWS Jul 31, 2020
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According to the bank's documents, the proposed project "aims to mainstream and operationalise a sustainable river-basin approach for watershedmanagement to achieve resilience of climate vulnerable communities and ecosystems in the Gandaki River Basin.This will be achieved through the planning and implementation of climate change adaptation measures acrossimpacted ecosystems and communities both upstream and downstream across the landscape. The traditionaldistrict and municipality (political/administrative boundary) based approach applied over the past 50 years in Nepalis being changed through this project by bringing in climate-resilient development and management at a moreholistic river basin-wide level that cuts across political/administrative boundaries. On completion in 2026, theGandaki River Basin will be used as a model to showcase how climate-resilient development in large river basinscan occur throughout Nepal."
Executing Entity: Government of Nepal - Ministry of Forests and Environment
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