Original disclosure @ IADB website
Updated in EWS May 3, 2022
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This contingent investment grant will support a loan (BR-L1576) and be complemented by a technical cooperation (BR-T1497) with the aim to seeks to address main investment barriers for battery storage Brazil, i.e. lack of familiarity with BESS technology among key stakeholders, lack of adequate cost recovery mechanisms, and high upfront costs - CAPEX. In this sense, the IGR will support the Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES) in capitalizing a guarantee fund (Fundo Garantidor para Eficiencia Energetica, or FGEnergia) which will offer to their vast network of partner local financial intermediaries (LFIs) concessionally-priced guarantees to be used as alternative collateral in order to expand lending to MSMEs investments in BESS.
**Project contacts not available at the time of disclosure.**
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