Original disclosure @ WB website
Updated in EWS Aug 7, 2024
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The Structural Adjustment Credit (SAL I) for Mali was approved by the Banks Executive Board on December 11, 1990 and became effective on March 15, 1991. The credit was closed on June 1995, two years later than the original closing date.
SAL I was intended to support the Government's adjustment efforts in two key areas of the second year PFP: improving the economic incentive system; and improving public resources management. Measures to improve the economic incentive system included: (i) simplification and rationalization of foreign trade taxation; (ii) restructuring of indirect and direct taxation; and (iii) removal of regulatory constraints inhibiting private sector development. Improvements in the management of public resources was supported by: (i) restructuring of current expenditures; (ii) reform of the civil service; and (ini) better programming and monitoring of public investments. In addition, SAL I included a subsidiary component aimed at improving statistics and the monitoring of poverty indicators.
IDA CREDIT: SDR 50.3 million (equivalent to US$70 million) - This credit had two components: a quick-disbursing component of SDR 47.5 million to be disbursed in three tranches and a technical assistance component of SDR 2.5 million. In addition, the credit financed a Project Preparation Fund (PPF) of SDR 0.3 million.
Cofinancing totaling US$ 70 million equivalent was granted by the German, Dutch, Swiss and Norwegian Governments, the European Union and the African Development Bank. In additon, several other bilateral donors (France, the United States and Canada, in particular) supported the program through the provision of budgetary assistance.
No contacts available at the time of disclosure.