Original disclosure @ NDB website
Updated in EWS Feb 28, 2025
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As stated by the NDB, the Program supported Government of India (GoI) in its efforts to contain the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and start economic recovery. The Program was undertaken through GoI’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). Loan proceeds of the Program were allocated by Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance to Ministry of Rural Development, which is the nodal agency for MGNREGS implementation.
The Program supported India’s economic recovery through natural resource management works to facilitate economic activity and rural employment generation to stimulate rural demand, thereby spurring economic growth in a sustainable manner.
NDB Team Leader:
Deepanshu Sapra
No contacts provided at the time of disclosure.
Borrower - Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India:
Prasanna V. Salian
Email: pv.salian@nic.in
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