Original disclosure @ NDB website
Updated in EWS Feb 28, 2025
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As stated by the NDB, based on the stage of economic recovery in China at that time, the Program has supported China’s urgent need to restore production and create jobs. To reinforce the efforts and achievements made by the Government, it has also extended support to sustainable development of China’s economy over the long term. The loan proceeds were utilized for projects in the sectors directly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic such as trade, logistics, agriculture, health, labor intensive infrastructure sectors, as well as innovative and hightech infrastructure promoted by the Chinese Government to sustain recovery, and to support sustainable development.
The Loan is to support the Government’s priorities for economic recovery efforts in response to COVID-19. The intervention aimed to: i) support restoration of production capacity in key sectors adversely affected by the pandemic; and ii) reinforce early economic recovery, including through further infrastructure development to continuously enhance economic growth and employment.
Through supporting the Government’s prioritized sectors, the Program has contributed to mitigating the adverse impacts of COVID-19 on Chinese economy. More specifically, the Program has helped in reviving economic activities and resuming productivity in the key sectors, and consequently generate employment opportunities in the near term. In addition to supporting China’s urgent needs for the economic recovery, the Program has also helped to achieve sustainable economic development over the medium- to longer-term and contribute to full restoration and further development of supply chains, as well as development of important “21st century infrastructures” (New Infrastructure Initiative).
Export-Import Bank of China (EximBank) and the Agricultural Development Bank of China (ADBC) were the Implementing Agencies (IAs) for the Program. The Loan was provided to Ministry of Finance, which was then on-lend to EximBank and ADBC. The two banks, in turn, have used the loan proceeds to provide loans to projects in the eligible sectors. The IAs have taken overall responsibility for the Program’s implementation, ensuring timely disbursement and strict compliance of the use of the funds. The implementation arrangement maximized the envisaged impacts of the Program through on-lending by the leading development banks in China.
As stated by Bloomberg, The Export-Import Bank of China operates as a government development bank. The Company provides loans, guarantee, settlement, deposits, financial consultancy, and other bank related services for import and export enterprises. The Export-Import Bank of China offers services worldwide.
NDB Team Leader:
Diyun Wang - Project Portfolio Management Department
No contacts provided at the time of disclosure.
Borrower - Ministry of Finance:
Biao Guo
Implementing Agencies -
Export-Import Bank of China (EximBank):
Yao Lv
Agricultural Development Bank of China (ADBC):
Jing Zhang
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