Original disclosure @ NDB website
Updated in EWS Feb 28, 2025
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As stated on the project disclosure page, the NDB’s loan (Loan) is to support the recovery of the Brazilian economy by providing resources for the Government of Brazil (GoB) to capitalize the FGI-PEAC Fund that provides guarantees to participating Financial Institution (FIs) on loans provided to SMEs. FGI was created in 2010 and is managed by the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social (BNDES). FGI, in partnership with FIs, provides fast and less costly guarantees on SME loans availed from FIs. The Fund was expanded in 2020 under PEAC, as a response from the GoB to the COVID-19 impact on the economy. The Fund provides guarantees to participating FIs for 80% of the loans provided to SMEs, limited to BRL 10 million (USD 1.8 million) per SME per FI. No premium rate is charged and only minimum personal guarantees are required in accordance with the respective FIs’ policies.
The Emergency Program (Program) is proposed to address the adverse economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic and enable economic recovery. Its objective is to improve SMEs’ access to credit by providing guarantees to help them overcome any temporary liquidity problem, ensure the continuity of their operations, and strengthen their financial sustainability, thereby preventing significant loss of jobs.
FGI-PEAC is operational since June 2020 and eligible SMEs can obtain loans guaranteed by the fund until December 31, 2020. The GoB will utilize the Loan to partially finance its contribution to the FGI-PEAC Fund. BNDES as the Fund manager is responsible for operating the guarantees, underwriting and overall coordination of the participating FIs. BNDES will also monitor and report on the Program’s performance. As of November 2020, the Fund has already provided more than USD 15 billion in guarantees. The disbursement will be in one tranche of the full Loan amount with 100% retroactive financing.
As stated by the NDB, the total cost of the Program is estimated at USD 3.50 billion. NDB will finance USD 1.00 billion or 29% of the total cost. The balance cost will be financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (a loan of USD 200 million) and GoB (USD 2.30 billion).
As stated by Bloomberg, the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social, doing business as BNDES, operates as a development bank. The Bank supports exports, technological innovation, sustainable development, public administration modernization, and financing for companies. BNDES serves customers in Brazil.
NDB Team Leader:
Alexandre Takahashi - Americas Regional Office
No contacts provided at the time of disclosure.
Borrower - Ministry of Finance:
Dario Carnevalli Durigan
Email: secretariaexecutiva@economia.gov.br
Project Entity / Financial Intermediary - Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social (BNDES):
Vivian Machado dos Santos
Email: viviansantos@bndes.gov.br
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The New Development Bank (NDB) does not currently have an independent accountability mechanism to accept complaints related to NDB-financed projects. The Bank does have a whistleblower mechanism that receives complaints about misconduct related to corruption, fraudulent practices and instances of money laundering in projects financed by the NDB and/or against the NDB staff members. To learn more about the whistleblower mechanism and how to file a complaint, access this webpage at: https://www.ndb.int/about-us/whistleblowing/.