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According to bank documents, MIGA is considering issuing a guarantee of up to US$190 million for a period of up to 10 years against the risk of Non-Honoring of a Financial Obligation by a State-owned Enterprise (NHFO-SOE).
In the absence of a central bank, Panama's two state-owned banks, Caja de Ahorros and Banco Nacional de Panama, expect to provide liquidity to companies and other financial institutions to help the economy weather and rebuild from the COVID-19 crisis.Specifically, the proposed Loan Facility would allow Caja de Ahorros to provide (i) working capital loans to financial institutions, micro, small and medium enterprises, and corporations to keep businesses operating during the acute phase of the crisis; and (ii) once the acute phase is over, working capital loans to sustain businesses until they are fully recovered.
MIGA has given this project a risk category of FI-2.
According to MIGA, Caja de Ahorros is a wholly-owned financial institution of the Government of Panama
*Project contacts not provided at the time of disclosure*
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