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According to the Bank’s website, the Project consists of a Synthetic Risk Transfer (SRT) transaction in which IFC will provide to BRD Groupe Société Générale S.A. (BRD, the Bank) an unfunded guarantee on credit losses of up to EUR105 million (approximately US$114 million equivalent) on an up to EUR700 million (approximately US$761 million equivalent) reference portfolio comprising small and medium enterprises (SME) and corporate finance loans of BRD. BRD will deploy capital freed up as a result of the IFC loss protection to undertake no less than EUR315 million of new climate and women-owned SME loans in Romania. The Project will allow BRD, one of the country’s systemic banks, to optimize its capital management while supporting the growth of corporate origination. The Project introduces a highly innovative SRT structure, which will be one of the first SRTs and first with IFC in Romania’s banking sector.
The capital released by this guarantee will be utilized to support a new portfolio of sustainability related sub-projects, primarily lending to eligible climate (including blue) sub-projects and women-owned SMEs in Romania. This Project has been categorized as FI-2 in accordance with IFC’s Sustainability Policy.
The proposed investment involves up to EUR105 million (approximately US$114 million equivalent) second-loss guarantee from IFC in the form of synthetic risk transfer, on an up to EUR700 million (approximately US$761 million equivalent) reference portfolio comprising small and medium enterprises (SME) and corporate finance loans of BRD.
BRD is a top systemic bank in Romania by total assets, active in retail, SME and corporate financing. BRD is controlled by France-domiciled Société Générale S.A. (SG Group), one of the largest European financial services groups, with an ownership of 60.2 percent. The remaining shares of BRD are listed at the Bucharest Stock Exchange.
BRD Groupe Société Générale S.A
Traian Traicu
Head of Media Relations, Communication Department
BRD Tower 1-7 Ion Mihalache blvd, sector 1011171 Bucharest, Romania
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