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According to the Bank’s website, the Project involves an IFC senior loan of MXN 2,940 million (~US$ 175 million) from IFC’s own account to a group of trusts associated with 6 individual residential properties managed by LATAMCC Fund Manager Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V (“CCLA” or the “Company”), a real estate asset manager. The proposed project aims to support the development, construction, and rental operation of 6 high rise multifamily residential, 4 in the Mexico City area and 2 in Monterrey, to be EDGE/EDGE Advance certified. Once construction is completed on each project, CCLA will manage the rental operations through its wholly owned Nomad Living entity.
This is a Category B project according to IFC's Policy on Environment and Social Sustainability (2012) as it is expected to have potential limited adverse E&S risks and/or impacts that are few in number, generally site-specific, largely reversible, and readily addressed through mitigation measures. Key E&S issues and risks identified are: (i) adequacy of the existing E&S management system; (ii) labor and working conditions, occupational health and safety (OHS), contractor management, and worker grievance mechanism; (iii) gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH); (iv) life and fire safety (L&FS); (v) community health and safety; and (vi) stakeholder engagement/grievance mechanism.
The total project cost of MXN 6,319 million (~US$ 375 million) will be financed by a combination of the IFC loan of MXN 2,940 million (~US$ 175 million) and the remaining with CCLA managed equity.
LATAMCC Fund Manager Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V (CCLA) develops and operates high-quality residential housing for multifamily rent in Latin America. It was co-founded in 2015 by CIM Group (50 percent), with vast experience in US multifamily, and Compass Group (50 percent), an asset manager focused on Latin America.
Private Actor 1 | Private Actor 1 Role | Private Actor 1 Sector | Relation | Private Actor 2 | Private Actor 2 Role | Private Actor 2 Sector |
- | - | - | - | CCLA Group | Client | - |
CCLA Group
Fernando Ulacia
Investments Vice President
Jaime Balmes #8, Polanco, Mexico City, Mexico
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