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According to the IFC, the proposed project shall support the small and medium-enterprise (“SME”) lending activities of REDAsset Gestao de Recursos Ltda. in Brazil. This will be done through the acquisition of senior quotas of RED Performance FIDC NP, a debt fund managed by REDAsset.
The most significant, expected Project-level outcome is the increased capital market funding for the underserved SME segment through the growth of a FIDC instrument that finances SMEs, as follows:
Stakeholders - Increased capital market funding opportunities for SMEs as Originators: IFC anticipates that the Project will increase access to finance for Brazilian SMEs, helping to address the SME finance gap through a capital markets solution.
Stakeholders - Increased access to finance for MSMEs as Obligors: By acquiring receivables from the originators, the Fund contributes to the financial health of the supply-chain. With more funding available, originators are better positioned to sustain its growth and the growth of its clients, the obligors.
Market Creation - Competitiveness: Beyond the Project, IFC anticipates that this investment has the potential to promote greater market competitiveness through the following aspects: (i) the structural change through the increase in alternative financing opportunities for MSMEs, and (ii) the diversification of investment opportunities in the capital markets in Brazil.
The Project will acquire senior quotas of Red Performance amounting up to BRL160 million (approx. US$41 million equivalent). The Fund will channel the investment to the acquisition of receivables and other credit rights from SMEs.
According to the IFC, REDAsset group was established in 1992, specializing in credit operations to SMEs in Brazil and has the following ownership structure: (i) Hai Participacoes e Empreendimentos Ltda (46%); (ii) Lavan Participacoes e Empreendimentos Ltda (46%); and (iii) the rest belonging to its managing directors (8%).
REDAsset Gestao de Recursos LTDA
Mr. Filipe Guimarães
Portfolio Manager
+55 11 3038 5838
CEP: 01454901, São Paulo – SP, Brasil
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