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This project is an investment for Craftsman Automation Private Limited in India for capacity augmentation and modernization of the existing facilities through purchase of new machinery and for the expansion of the company. Craftsman Automation Private Limited is a diversified engineering company, with vertically integrated manufacturing capabilities, primarily catering to the automotive and industrial and engineering segments.
The proposed project is expected to achive the following four project development objectives:
(i) Employment creation and knowledge transfer: The Project will create additional high skill jobs as it expands its operations
(ii) Impact on customers: Customers will benefit from the increase in capacity which will provide a consistent and reliable supply of quality auto component parts
(iii) Impact on suppliers: Craftsman will impact the suppliers through the increase in its business with the existing local suppliers through additional purchases and a broader range of purchases of components
(iv) Increase in taxes: Contribution to the domestic economy through increased tax revenues
Craftsman Automation Limited operates as a engineering company in India. The company’s Automotive - Powertrain and Others segment provides cylinder blocks and cylinder heads, camshafts, transmission parts, gear box housings, turbo charges, and bearing caps.
Private Actor 1 | Private Actor 1 Role | Private Actor 1 Sector | Relation | Private Actor 2 | Private Actor 2 Role | Private Actor 2 Sector |
- | - | - | - | Craftsman Automation Limited | Client | - |
For inquiries about the project
Craftsman Automation Private Limited
D Thiyagaraj
Chief Operating Officer
+91-422-3021000, 2209100
Senthel Towers, 4th Floor1078, Avanashi RoadCoimbatore – 641 018 India
For inquiries and comments about IFC
General IFC Inquiries
IFC Communications
2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20433
Telephone: 202-473-3800
Fax: 202-974-4384
Local access for project documentation
Craftsman Automation Private Limited
Senthel Towers, 4th Floor
1078, Avanashi Road
Coimbatore – 641 018.
Tel: +91-422-3021000, 2209100
Fax: +91-422-3021056
The Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) is the independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who believe they are likely to be, or have been, adversely affected by an IFC or MIGA- financed project. If you submit a complaint to the CAO, they may assist you in resolving a dispute with the company and/or investigate to assess whether the IFC is following its own policies and procedures for preventing harm to people or the environment. If you want to submit a complaint electronically, you can email the CAO at You can learn more about the CAO and how to file a complaint at