Original disclosure @ IDBI website
Updated in EWS Dec 18, 2024
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According to the IDB Invest, the project intents to become a shareholder of Caja Huancayo to expand financial inclusion in Peru, supporting one of microfinance leaders in the country. This will be achieved by converting its current loan totaling S/57.14 million (approximately $15 million) to an equity investment inCaja Huancayo.
According to the IDB Invest, Caja Huancayo is an entity with good financial strength, holding the B+ Risk Category, with its 35 years of institutional life it has been adding to financial inclusion, with a strong brand presence at the level of the microfinance system in Peru, it has 227 offices throughout the country, it also has the trust of more than 2.5 million clients, concentrating 24% in loans and 76% in deposits, it should be noted that it has more than 287 thousand exclusive clients in placements that work only with Caja Huancayo, with S/ 12,635 being the average credit granting amount, it also promotes strategic alliances to strengthen commercially viable business models that generate value, and produce an economic impact in vulnerable sectors such as the Amazon and promotes female empowerment through its “Emprende Mujer” product, thus fulfilling its mission of improving the lives of its clients.
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