Original disclosure @ FMO website
Updated in EWS Dec 20, 2023
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As stated by the FMO, the Proximity Finance provides microfinance loans to farmers in rural ares especially in delta, dryzone and upland areas of Myanmar. It's a program under the Proximity Designs and was initiated after the Nargis cyclone to support rural farmer recovery.
This project concerns a USD 2 mln loan in MMK equivalent to Proximity Finance. The funds will be geared towards agriculture clients in rural areas of a low-income country.
As stated by the FMO, Proximity Finance (‘PF’) is a microfinance program under Proximity Designs, a social business based in Myanmar. Proximity Designs delivers affordable, income-boosting products that complement the entrepreneurial spirit of rural families. PF started as an initiative following the devastating consequences of the Nargis cyclone to help rural farmers recover. PF is the main asset of Proximity Designs (60% of Proximity Designs’s total assets). PF currently has a loan portfolio of USD 14.8mln and serves 80k farmers. PF provides microfinance loans to farmers in the Delta, Dry Zone, and Uplands areas of Myanmar. PF will become a separate legal entity by mid-2018.
No project contacts provided at the time of disclosure.
Financial Intermediary - Proximity Finance:
Address: 24 Saya San Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar 11201
Email: adminandfacility@proximityfinance.org
Website: https://proximityfinance.org/
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