Original disclosure @ FMO website
Updated in EWS Dec 19, 2023
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According to the FMO, this project provides long-term funding to EKI, a microfinance institution focusing on the agricultural sector. EKI provides financial services to low-income people, and around 40% of their clients are women.
As stated by the FMO, EKI is one of the leading microfinance institutions in Bosnia & Herzegovina and has a focus on the agricultural sector. The country is still struggling with war-torn past in 90s and complicated system of government. EKI's mission is to provide the right financial services to low-income people and ca. 40% of EKI clients are women. The goal is to enable economic independence of those groups.
*No project contacts available at time of disclosure*
Financial Intermediary - Mikrokreditno Drustvo EKI d.o.o.:
Website: https://www.eki.ba/
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