Original disclosure @ FMO website
Updated in EWS Dec 20, 2023
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FMO is investing USD 8 million in 5 and 10 year notes that will catalyze shorter-tenor notes. The Fund's mission is to invest in sustainable solutions that help impoverished people earn a living and improve their lives. It does this by providing financing to social enterprises working in one or more of the following investment initiatives: women-centered finance with education; women-centered finance with health; rural-centered finance with education; smallholder farmer services; and solar lights. It is anticipated the Fund will invest in additional initiatives over time, such as home improvement finance or more efficient cook stoves.
Global Partnerships Fund Management LLC (GP) has launched its sixth debt investment fund, GP Social Investment Fund 6.0 (SIF 6.0 or the Fund). In line with previous funds, SIF 6.0 provides loans to financially self-sustaining microfinance institutions (MFIs), agricultural cooperatives and other types of "social enterprises" -entities providing basic products and services to the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) in Latin American and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Communities who believe they will be negatively affected by a project funded by the Dutch Development Bank (FMO) may be able to file a complaint with the Independent Complaints Mechanism, which is the joint independent accountability mechanism of the Dutch Development Bank (FMO) and the German Investment Corporation (KfW) . A complaint can be filed in writing, by email, post, or online. The complaint can be filed in English or any other language of the complainant. The Independent Complaints Mechanism is comprised of a three-member Independent Expert Panel and it can provide either problem-solving, compliance review or both, in either order. Additional information about this accountability mechanism, including a guide and template for filing a complaint, can be found at: https://www.fmo.nl/