Original disclosure @ FMO website
Updated in EWS Dec 20, 2023
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According to the FMO, the transaction allows Desyfin to grow its SME portfolio. Supporting SMEs through Desyfin with scarce long term funding, contributes to economic growth and employment in Costa Rica.
The FMO is providing USD 15 million in financing to Desyfin.
As stated by the FMO, Desyfin is a non-bank financial institution (NBFI) that started operations in 1991. Desyfin's core business is providing credit and other financial products exclusively to the SME segment in Costa Rica. As a long-time market leader in factoring, Desyfin has gradually grown into a serious player in the Costa Rican financial sector. Desyfin is in the process of becoming a bank and is expected to obtain a banking license early 2016. The institution has 7 branches in major cities in Costa Rica and 180 employees.
No project contacts provided at the time of disclosure.
Financial Intermediary - Financiera Desyfin S.A.:
Address: 2km al Oeste del Peaje Escazú, Calle Mango Edificio Centro 27
Phone: +506 2246-8400
Email: servicioalcliente@desyfin.fi.cr
Website: https://www.desyfin.fi.cr/
FMO The Netherlands:
Phone: +31 70 314 96 96
Email: info@fmo.nl
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