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According to the Bank’s website, the project consists of a Framework loan to finance the rehabilitation and expansion of various ports in the archipelago of Cabo Verde (on different islands including Santo Antão, São Vicente and Sal), as well as of the country's main shipyard located in São Vicente, contributing to the sustainability and resilience of the sector.
The objective of the proposed framework loan is to transform Cape Verde ports and main shipyard into a regional centre of excellence, equipped with modern technology, infrastructure and human resources. Indeed, investments in ports and related blue economy infrastructures are necessary to expand the country's economy by unifying a scattered market and creating the necessary conditions to explore international connections, value chains and markets.
A Framework loan, under EFSD+ Guarantee
The CABNAVE – Estaleiros Navais de Cabo Verde, SA, is an industrial company, headquartered in Mindelo, São Vicente island. It is a ship repair yard, designed, built and equipped to ensure all the necessary support for fishing, cargo and tug fleets operating in its region, as well as, with the firm purpose of contributing to the coutry's maritime safety and socioeconomic development.
EMPRESA NACIONAL DE ADMINISTRACAO DOS PORTOS EP (ENAPOR) is a public limited company with public capital held directly and exclusively by the State of Cape Verde.
A sociedade, enquanto concessionária geral dos portos, tem por objecto a administração, gestão e exploração económica dos Portos de Cabo Verde, terminais e zonas de jurisdição portuária, cuidando da sua conservação, planeamento e desenvolvimento, abrangendo o exercício das competências e prerrogativas de autoridade portuária que lhe sejam ou venham a ser cometidas.
Private Actor 1 | Private Actor 1 Role | Private Actor 1 Sector | Relation | Private Actor 2 | Private Actor 2 Role | Private Actor 2 Sector |
- | - | - | - | CABNAVE - ESTALEIROS NAVAIS DE CABO VERDE SA | Client | - |
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