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According to the Bank’s website, the project consists of the provision of up to EUR 2,650 million for Window II under the third Green Cities Framework ('GrCF3 W2'), to support investments related to Green Cities.
The over-arching aim of the third Green Cities Framework ('GrCF3', or 'Framework') is to continue to serve as a sector-wide catalyst for addressing climate and environmental challenges at the city level. This will be achieved through the preparation and subsequent implementation of Green City Action Plans ('GCAP'). GCAP methodology takes a systematic approach to identifying, benchmarking, prioritising and guiding green city actions by cities while maintaining a strong connection to other key national or local strategic documents.
The process involves four steps:
Green city baseline and priority setting: measuring the current status of climate and environmental challenges in the city based on a comprehensive indicator database and identifying the priority climate and environmental challenges that need to be addressed.Development of the GCAP document: preparing a document that articulates the city's vision, strategic objectives and priority investments and policy measures to address priority climate and environmental challenges and meet the objectives.Implementation: execution of the GCAP.Monitoring and evaluation: monitoring the GCAP results and updating the GCAP as necessary.
Green city baseline and priority setting: measuring the current status of climate and environmental challenges in the city based on a comprehensive indicator database and identifying the priority climate and environmental challenges that need to be addressed.
The Framework itself is not categorised. Each sub-Project will be individually categorised and will be subject to sub-Project specific Environmental and Social Due Diligence. The sub-Projects under the Framework will comply with the Bank's Environmental and Social Policy and the Green Cities eligibility criteria.
The GrCF3 W2 will consist of sovereign and non-sovereign loans, bonds, and guarantees, in an aggregate amount of up to EUR 2,650 million.
The GrCF3 will benefit from co-financing and technical cooperation assignments, funded by international donors, to support preparation and implementation of sub-Projects.
The Clients (borrowers) for the GrCF3 W2 will include sovereigns, municipalities, municipal owned utility companies, private companies and other sovereign entities supporting green city investments for the purpose of investing in green urban infrastructure in all regions where the EBRD operates.
No contacts available at the time of disclosure.
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