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As stated by the EBRD, the project consists of a limit of up to EUR 15m under the Funded Non-Recourse Risk Sharing Framework ("RSF") for AccessBank Azerbaijan ("AB"). Each sub-loan under RSF to eligible borrowers will be subject to individual approval.
The RSF with AB aims to (i) improve access to long-term LCY/FC financing to Azerbaijani private companies as adequately priced AZN long-term financing remains limited, (ii) support AB's risk management whereby concentration of the loan book is contained and maturity and currency gaps are balanced, (iii) maintain growth and meet financial needs of AB's clients without significant increase in single name exposures.
The EBRD categorized the project risk as FI, without providing additional information on the project risks.
As stated by the EBRD, CJSC AccessBank is a mid-sized bank incorporated in Azerbaijan in 2002 and ranking 7th in the banking sector by assets. It is focusing on servicing micro and small businesses in the country. As of Jun-2023, AB reported loans of USD 532m, total assets of USD 776m, equity of USD 73m and net income of USD 11.5m (translating into ROAE of 34%). The bank is owned by IFI and social impact investors, ADB (19.9%), EIB (17.39%), IFC (15.86%), ResponsAbility (12.29%), FMO (9.41%), OeEB (9,17%) and other Western investment funds.
Financial Intermediary - AccessBank CJSC:
Investor Relations
Phone: +994123770019
You can request information by emailing: or by using this electronic form:
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