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According to the EBRD, the project consists of a loan of up to EUR 125m or its equivalent in RON in favour of Delgaz Grid SA, a corporation registered in Romania. Delgaz is a distribution network operator of electricity and gas in the Northern half of Romania. The Borrower is majority owned by E.ON SE, the German based multinational energy utilities group with a minority stake owned by Allianz Infrastructure Luxembourg I S.A R.L, and Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari S.A, and Romanian Ministry of Energy.
The loan will finance part of the Borrower's capital expenditures programme for its electricity distribution network for the period 2023-2025, aiming at modernisation and upgrades to the electricity grid.
As stated by the EBRD, Delgaz operates electricity and natural gas distribution networks in Romania, in the Northern half of the country. Delgaz's electricity network has a length over 81,000 km, and it is present in 6 counties in the Northeast of Romania (Iaii, Botoiani, Vaslui , Suceava, Neami, and Baciu), while its natural gas network covers over 25,000 km, and it is present in all 20 counties located across the Northern half of the country. The Borrower served ~3.5 million domestic and business customers in Romania in 2022, during which period, it distributed 5 TWh of electricity.
Private Actor 1 | Private Actor 1 Role | Private Actor 1 Sector | Relation | Private Actor 2 | Private Actor 2 Role | Private Actor 2 Sector |
E.ON SE | Parent Company | Energy | owns | Delgaz Grid SA | Client | Energy |
Borrower - Delgaz Grid SA:
Cristian Secosan
Phone: +40 722 200 949
You can request information by emailing: or by using this electronic form:
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