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As stated by the EBRD, the project consists of the provision of sovereign loans for an aggregate amount of up to €40 million to be co-financed with capital expenditure grants from international or bilateral donors for water and wastewater investments mainly in small municipalities in the Kyrgyz Republic. The proposed Kyrgyz Water Resilience Framework ("KWSF") will continue the Bank's work under the Kyrgyz Republic Water and Wastewater Framework and its extensions, approved in 2011 and 2015.
The KWRF will address medium term impacts of the COPID-19 crisis by focussing on a more secure water supply service, mainly through increasing system resilience to provide more continuous water services and to better cope with increases/changes in demand for drinking and healthcare purposes; and increasing direct access to higher quality water which could improve hygiene and decrease the chance of infection.
The KWRF will streamline the Bank's institutional reform and implementation support through the State Agency of Water Resources. Commercialisation of respective utility companies will continue to be supported through tailored Corporate Development Programmes.
The EBRD did not assign a risk category to the project because it consists of a framework loan with different sub-projects.
No project contacts provided at the time of disclosure.
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