Original disclosure @ DFC website
Updated in EWS Dec 26, 2024
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As stated by the DFC, the proposed Project involves the development and operation of a 120 MW greenfield wind power plant and 33.2 km transmission line, located 10 km north of
the town of Namaacha and 50 km west of Maputo. The Project consists of the installation of ~20 wind turbines, with a height of ~120 meters, which will be distributed over an area of approximately 855.12 ha.
Power will be exported via two parallel 66 kV overhead transmission lines that will run from the windfarm to the Boane Substation, with a total length of approximately 33.2 km. The last 310 meters of the transmission line will be a buried underground cable. The facility is expected to produce approximately 340 GWh per year.
The Project area does not overlap with any Legally Protected Areas, but it does overlap with the UNESCO Lubombo Biosphere Reserve and two KBAs, Namaacha KBA and Hlane - Mlawula complex KBA. There are currently nine turbines that overlap with high sensitivity areas and curtailment measures will be implemented for these turbines.
Investment amount not provided at the time of disclosure.
As stated in the project ESIA, the activity developer is Central Eléctrica da Namaacha SA. CEN's shareholder base is Globeleq Africa Ltd (Globeleq) (formerly Globeleq Advisors Limited) in partnership with Source Energia.
Source Energia, founded in 2018, is a diversified renewable energy platform focused on the development, management, operation and maintenance of large and small scale on and off-grid projects in Lusophone Africa.
Globeleq, founded in 2002, is a company with extensive experience in the development and implementation of power projects in Africa. It currently has operational assets in Tanzania, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Cameroon and Kenya. Jointly owned by CDC Group plc (70%) and Norfund (30%) (UK and Norwegian development finance institutions), Globeleq is focused exclusively on Africa and has expertise in the development and operation of wind, solar, oil and natural gas power generation, continuing to develop renewable and conventional projects across the continent.
Private Actor 1 | Private Actor 1 Role | Private Actor 1 Sector | Relation | Private Actor 2 | Private Actor 2 Role | Private Actor 2 Sector |
- | - | - | - | Electricidade de Moçambique | Buyer | Energy |
CDC Group | Parent Company | Finance | owns | Globeleq Africa Holdings Limited | Client | Energy |
Norfund | Investor | Finance | invests in | Globeleq Africa Holdings Limited | Client | Energy |
Source Energia | Client | Energy | contracts with | Globeleq Africa Holdings Limited | Client | Energy |
Client - Central Eléctrica da Namaacha SA:
Pedro Coutinho
Address: Millennium Park Building, Vladimir Lenine Av. 174, 13th Maputo, Mozambique
Phone: +258 (21) 321806
Email: ppcoutinho@source.capital
Parent Companies -
Globeleq Africa Limited:
Address: Oxford Corner, 2nd Floor, 32A Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, 2196 Johannesburg
Email: info@globeleq.com
Phone: +27 10 900 2600
Website: https://globeleq.com/
Source Energia:
Address: Av. Zedequias Manganhela, nº 267, 5º andar, Edifício JAT IV, Maputo, Moçambique
Phone: +258 21 321 806
Email: geral@sourceenergia.com
Website: https://sourceenergia.com/
Local Access to Project Documentation -
Consultec Office:
Address: Rua Tenente General Oswaldo Tazama, 169, Bairro Sommerchield, Maputo, Moçambique
Phone: +258 2149 1555 / +258 21 49 19 32 / +258 82 304 4240
Fax: +258 21 49 1578
District Offices:
Address: Estrada Nacional nº 2; CP. Nº 2, Boane, Mozambique
Phone: +258 878453335
Address: Estrada nº 2, Quarteirão nº 42, caixa postal 19, Namaacha, Mozambique
Phone: +258 873308078
Email: ganamaacha@gmail.com
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You can find more information about the Office of Accountability at: https://www.dfc.gov/who-we-are/office-accountability