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According to the bank's documents, the proposed project aims "To strengthen the institutional and service delivery systems for solid waste management (SWM) in Kerala.
The project will support all 93 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) across 14 districts in Kerala in improving access to efficient and reliable delivery of solid waste management (SWM) services to their populations. The project will include the following components:
Component A: Development of Regional SWM Facilities.
This component will comprise the development of prioritized regional waste processing and disposal facilities, including, but not limited to: (i) closure and remediation of polluted waste dumpsites; (ii) construction of regional sanitary landfills; and (iii) provision of facilities related to composting, resource recovery, and transfer stations.
Component B: Improvement of SWM Infrastructure in Participating ULBs.
This component will include improvements in local-level SWM service delivery systems of the participating ULBs focusing mainly on: (i) primary waste collection and transportation; (ii) source segregation and treatment at decentralized level; (iii) rehabilitation and/or development of resource recovery facilities; (iv) development of biodegradable waste management facilities; and (v) development of disposal cells as interim disposal facilities.
Component C: Institutional Development, Capacity Building and Project Management Support.
This component covers technical assistance and capacity building at state and local levels for: (i) undertaking SWM institutional, financial, and policy reforms; (ii) planning, designing, and implementing investment sub-projects for climate-smart and disaster resilient SWM infrastructure and service provision improvements; (iii) organizational development of participating ULBs for inclusive and sustainable SWM service delivery; and (iv) Increasing awareness of waste management, sanitization and public hygiene, gender inclusion and stakeholder engagement."
World Bank US$ 105 million
Govt of Kerala US$ 90 million
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Sangmoo Kim, Senior Investment Operations Specialist (Urban)
World Bank
Uri Raich, Senior Urban Specialist
Prasanna V. Salian, Deputy Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance
Implementing Entity
Dr. R Ajayakumar Varma, Executive Director
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