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As stated by the ADB, the program is the fourth phase of the Pacific Disaster Resilience Program, initially approved in December 2017. It will provide another round of financing for (i) countries that drew down for the coronavirus disease pandemic (Kiribati, Samoa, and Solomon Islands); and (ii) Tonga, that drew down funds in February 2022 in response to the eruption of the Hunga Tonga'Hunga Ha'apai volcano.
The program consists of the following reform areas: (i) policy and institutional arrangements for risk management strengthened; (ii) systems, information, and tools for risk management, including risk-informed development, strengthened; and (iii) risk financing and public financial management to address disaster impact improved. All prior actions have been completed.
The total program cost is estimated at $38 million, comprising $5 million from concessional ordinary capital resources and $33 million from ADB's Special Funds resources.
ADB Team Leaders:
Alexandra Galperin - Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Energy Division, PARD
Mary J. Kim - Senior Programs Officer, Pacific Liaison and Coordination, PLCO, PARD
No contacts available at the time of disclosure.
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