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According to the bank's website, the project through its technical assistance (TA) "will support the following outcome: Higher-quality programs and projects that advance the SDGs developed and delivered by ADB DMCs. Subproject 1 has supported efforts to build knowledge in DMCs to enable policies, plans, strategies, and programs that advance SDG attainment in Mongolia, the Laos PDR, and Sri Lanka, as well as regional knowledge generation on prospects for SDG attainment and financing. Subproject 2 will build on these efforts through cross cutting SDG knowledge support to increase DMC capacity and country level knowledge on SDG financing and implementation".
Ferreira, Carla Cristina D. (ADB Officer)
Strategy, Policy, and Partnerships Department
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The Accountability Mechanism is an independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who believe they are likely to be, or have been, adversely affected by an Asian Development Bank-financed project. If you submit a complaint to the Accountability Mechanism, they may investigate to assess whether the Asian Development Bank is following its own policies and procedures for preventing harm to people or the environment. You can learn more about the Accountability Mechanism and how to file a complaint at: