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According to the Bank’s website, the proposed technical assistance (TA) is supporting the proposed loan for Mongolia on Border Efficiency for Sustainable Trade Project (55044-002).
The project will be aligned with the following impacts: Mongolia’s trade increased and export diversification promoted (Vision 2050), and resilient and sustainable integration into regional and global value chains enhanced (CAREC 2030). The proposed project outcome is operational efficiency, resilience, and safety of the movement of goods and people in Mongolia’s border crossing points enhanced. The proposed project has three outputs: (i) efficient and
climate-resilient border facilities developed; (ii) One Health coordination at the borders established; and (iii) trade facilitation systems enhanced. It will include subprojects for output 1 and output 2 in at least two border crossing points (BCPs): (i) Khavirga; (ii) Tsagaannuur; and (iii) Bulgan. All three proposed subproject locations have high potential for tourism and agriculture value chain development, offering expanded livelihoods opportunities for remote and poor communities, especially small traders of Mongolia.
The proposed project is estimated to cost $106.3 million, of which, $50 million is financed from ADB’s ordinary capital resources (OCR); $45 million from OCR concessional loan, and $5 million grant from the Asian Development Fund 13.
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