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Under this project, ADB is providing 67,49 million USD as the grant to Tajikistan for reconstruction of roads. Poor and unreliable conditions on Tajikistan's road network. Tajikistan is a landlocked country with heavy reliance on road transport for the movement of goods and peoples. However, road conditions have been poor and generally unreliable due to mixed reasons: high disaster-prone topography; dysfunctional maintenance systems; overloaded trucks; and poor quality of construction works, which were mostly carried out before the 1970s.
Project Objectives
The project will address the oblast's immediate needs by improving two arterial roads, namely (i) Bokhtar- Dangara and (ii) Khulbuk- Kangurt. Improving these roads is essential to realizing the government's plan to make Dangara the oblast's key economic hub and the oblast's new capital city. The roads are a vital connector of major economic centers in the oblast and international corridors in the Southern Tajikistan. The Bokhtar Dangara road bridges the country's major international roads (CAREC Corridors 5 and 6 at Bokhtar and Asian Highway No. 66 at Dangara), facilitating international and domestic movements of goods and peoples. The Khulbuk Kangurt road provides the local population with access to social and economic needs while linking Asian Highway No. 66 at Khulbuk. Despite their importance, the two roads do not provide reliable travel due to frequent avalanches and insufficient maintenance.
Economic growth promoted
Safe and competitive connectivity established across the CAREC Region
Safety and reliability of the road networks enhanced in Southern Tajikistan
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Ministry of Transport
Mr. Arabzoda, Nurali Sayvali, Executive Director for Project Implementation Unit for Roads Rehabilitation,
14, Aini Street Dushanbe 734042 Tajikistan