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The Advanced Knowledge and Skills for Sustainable Growth Project seeks to improve Indonesia's higher-education system to support sustainable economic growth. The project was approved by the ADB board of directors on 29 November 2018.
The project will upgrade four public universities:
1/ The University of Malikussalleh,
2/The University of Jambi,
3/The University of Riau in Sumatra; and
4/The Indonesia University of Education in Bandung, West Java
In order to provide high-quality and demand-based programs for those schools. The project is aligned with the National Medium-term Development Plan (RPJMN), 2015 2019, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) country partnership strategy for Indonesia, which highlights the critical role of vocational and tertiary education in providing the skilled human capital needed to support Indonesia's economic growth.
The outcome will be strengthened access, relevance, and quality of targeted universities. The project has two outputs: (i) market-responsive programs delivered; and (ii) training of technical-and-vocational-education-and-training (TVET) teachers improved.
According to the bank document, the Risk Categorization is Low. The total cost for the project is $266.52 million, with $200 million financed by a loan from ADB. Implementation of the project starts in 2019. Transaction technical assistance (TA) for $1.15 million, to be financed by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, is proposed to be attached to the loan to support the implementation of the project. The project and the TA are aligned with ADB's Strategy 2030, which calls for improving education.
TA 9678-INO: Supporting the Advanced Knowledge and Skills for Sustainable Growth Project
Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction US$ 1.15 million
Executing Agencies
Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education
Building D, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman,
Pintu Satu, Senayan Jakarta 10270
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