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The proposed cluster capacity development technical assistance (TA), supported on a grant basis under the Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund (UCCRTF), aims to improve institutional capacities of the Government of India to identify, plan, invest in, and respond to climate change and disaster-related risks in vulnerable cities and towns across India. The key objectives of the TA are to (i) mainstream urban climate change resilience in policies, strategies, and plans at the national, state, and city levels; (ii) strengthen structural and nonstructural investments in selected cities; and (iii) build strong government institutions across the central, state, and local levels. Cities highly vulnerable to climate change will be targeted, particularly those in coastal areas and river basins.
The TA will provide direction to the government developing well-planned cities which are livable, sustainable, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and resilient to climate-change-related risks. The TA builds from the country partnership strategy, 2013 -2017 for India of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which supports (i) energy efficiency (e.g., smart grids, efficient pumps); (ii) sustainable transport systems; and (iii) efficient and sustainable water management, including advice on policy and institutional reforms. ADB's urban program focuses on expanding the coverage, quality, and continuity of inclusive basic services while embracing the principles of resilience and efficiency.
The TA promotes convergence with various government flagship national missions including smart cities, new and renewable energy, make in India , clean India, housing for all, and urban transport initiatives. Considering the multifaceted demands for building resilience, the TA will provide resources to ADB's various sector teams, i.e., urban and water, energy, transport, and natural resources management.
Urban climate change resilience in selected states in India mainstreamed (defined by project)
Each TA subproject will require a team of international and domestic consultants to be engaged separately. Indicative cost estimates for consulting services were prepared in consultation with project officers of the TA subprojects. However, these are indicative and estimates will be finalized in consultation with the government during follow-up missions. Similarly, the requisite fields of expertise will also be finalized during follow-up missions and reflected in the individual TA subproject proposals.
Firms (or consortia of firms) and/or individual consultants will be recruited based on the requirements of each TA subproject. Consulting firms will be engaged following the quality- and cost-based selection method, with a quality cost ratio of 90:10 using full or simplified technical proposal procedures, consultant's qualification selection, or fixed budget selection, as appropriate. Individual consultants will be selected using the individual consultant's selection method, and will be engaged to provide specialized technical and administrative inputs to fulfill ADB due diligence requirements and enhance project readiness. Recruitment of all consultants under the TA will be carried out in accordance with ADB's Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (2013, as amended from time to time). Lump-sum or output-based contracts will be considered for consulting services under the TA consistent with ADB's Midterm Review of Strategy 2020 Action Plan (actions 2.9.2 and 2.10.2) to reduce administrative burden and improve economy, efficiency, and value for money.
TA 0019-IND: Strengthening Climate Change Resilience in Urban India
Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund under the Urban Financing Partnership Facility US$ 7.00 million
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Responsible ADB Officer Slangen, Ron H.
Responsible ADB Department South Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division Urban Development and Water Division, SARD
Executing Agencies
Department of Economic Affairs
Ministry of Finance
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New Delhi-110001, India