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According to the bank's documents, "The program directly supports reforms outlined in the government's National Strategic Development Plan, 2019 2023, the Financial Sector Development Strategy (FSDS), 2016 2025, and Cambodia's commitment to implement the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) special declaration on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
Under subprogram 3, the government has implemented the national financial inclusion strategy and key legislation adopted under subprogram 2, and launched several initiatives to increase access to finance, including Cambodia's first ever public SME credit guarantee scheme (CGS) to support COVID-19 recovery and beyond. The government has also made significant strides to preserve financial stability and improve crisis management."
Responsible ADB Officer Ainabe, Benita
Responsible ADB Department Southeast Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division Public Management, Financial Sector and Trade Division, SERD
Executing Agencies
National Bank of Cambodia
P.O. Box 25
22-24 Norodom Blvd.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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