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According to the bank document, " the project will provide technical assistance and capacity building support to identified smallholder rice farmers on all aspects of sustainable climate smart rice cultivation which includes: land preparation, planting, crop husbandry, water management, crop protection, crop nutrition, harvest and post harvest handling."
The following are the interventions proposed under the project:
A. CAPACITY BUILDING OF EXTENSION WORKERS ON CLIMATE SMART RICE CULTIVATION PRACTICES (FOCUS ON WATER, SOIL, PEST AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT) This includes training on specific sustainable climate smart agriculture(CSA) package of practices for sustainable rice cultivation which includes soil health and water efficiency improvements, pest management on farms etc.. Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based tools will be used to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of agri-extension services.
B. TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING OF SMALL HOLDER RICE FARMERS: The project will support smallholder rice farmers (including women farmers) in project sites of North India
C.DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT FOR WATER USE AVOIDANCE AT FARM LEVEL The focus will be on behavior change for farmers for adoption of climate smart sustainable irrigation practices that are, relatively, more efficient to conventional flood irrigation practices which will lead to potential water use avoided at farm level.
D.KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT : national / international level seminars will be organized to share best practice case studies on the results and experiences from the project to inform the larger industry group.
The following are the impacts, on the basis of the project components, as specified by the bank:
A. Support to Climate smart sustainable rice production : i) Hectares of sustainably managed lands under rice cultivation ii) water use avoided due to adoption of sustainable climate smart agricultural practices
B. Improvements in farm economics for small holder rice farmers : Potential increase in farm incomes as a result of purchase of sustainable (low MRL) and/or sustainably produced rice by institutional buyers at remunerative prices
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