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According to the bank website, the project will provide targeted interventions at four levels to provide corporate governance (CG) advisory services to improve gender dimension in the private sector of Sri Lanka. Such interventions may include the following activities:
1. Macro-level: raise awareness of the benefits of better board diversity and build demand for more women on boards by participating in select awareness raising initiatives; 2: Regulatory-level: Improve the gender dimensions of the CG regulatory environment through assisting the drafting/updating of laws and codes; 3: Market-level: Strengthen local market CG intermediaries and infrastructure to a) promote better gender diversity on corporate boards/business leadership, and b) to promote SME governance training for women-owned SMEs; and 4: Firm-level: Improve CG practices in firms through providing direct in-depth CG services to firms.
No contact information available at the time of writing.
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