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According to the bank's website, "This project seeks to address the disparity between demand and supply in energy markets in Papua New Guinea and other Pacific Island Countries (PICs). Despite increasing demand for energy from both businesses and households in the Pacific, energy access is still expensive and unreliable. The countries also remain largely dependent on fossil fuels to meet their current energy needs despite an abundance of renewable energy resources.
The broad components of the project are:
-Customized Advice to Individual Firms: (a) Augmenting energy supply through renewable energy; (b) Replacing Fossil Fuel based energy with Renewable energy (RE) sources; (c) developing energy need solutions that are bankable and replicable.
-Advisory Services to current and potential strategic clients
-Market Intelligence and Dissemination to: (i) create awareness of how to structure bankable renewable energy projects and (ii) create a potential pipeline of relatively realistic opportunities for IFC and other third party financial institutions."
No contact information provided at time of disclosure.
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