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According to the Bank’s website, the objective of this project is to support preparation of the program.
The program is a complex and multisector undertaking, for which the government has requested technical assistance (TA) to support its preparation. The TA will help the government prepare full-scale due diligence in technical, economic, financial, social, environmental, and institutional aspects, including in-depth local socioeconomic and ecosystem assessments, as well as prepare the program road map, policy framework, undertaking, and provide necessary capacity development. The TA will contribute to operational priorities (OPs) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 under Strategy 2030 and to the ongoing country partnership strategy (CPS) objectives for Nepal, 2020-2024. It is also aligned with government priorities, ADB's country-level objectives and was confirmed and included in Nepal's country programming mission in 2023.
The proposed Green and Resilience Financing Facility Investment Program (GREFF) is a large-scale, transformative, and integrated initiative responding to the growing demand and urgent need to address the effect of climate change in Nepal. The program's concept was developed in response to the request of the Government of Nepal to upscale climate financing for adaptation and increase access to grant and highly concessional resources from both climate and development finance. It aims to bridge the financing, capacity, institutional, and technical gaps in implementing Nepal's National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and the adaptation measures mentioned in the Second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), and the green, resilient, inclusive development (GRID), while promoting mitigation, biodiversity, air quality, and food security as co-benefit. The facility will offer a blended pool of financing sources (including grants, concessional loans, and credit guarantees from both climate and development finance), technical support, and knowledge solutions to deliver predictable and accessible finance and knowledge solutions to governments, civil society, and the private sector.
The TA will require 162 person-months of consulting inputs from 14 international experts (48 person-months) and 21 national experts (114 person-months). ADB will select and engage a consulting firm using quality- and cost-based selection method, with 90:10 qualitycost ratio and full technical proposal procedure. In addition, individual consultants will be engaged (i) to work on the climate finance funding proposal; and (ii) after submission of the draft final report, to support start-up activities of the ensuing loan on as-needed basis. Contingencies may be allocated to recruit additional experts based on needs that will emerge during TA implementation. The Japan International Cooperation Agency's personnel may be utilized as resource persons for capacity development and enhancement of quality infrastructure initiatives based on their relevant experience and initiatives.
Grant (Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific): US$ 2.00 million
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