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According to the Bank’s website, the proposed TA project will assist in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of ADB-Uzbekistan partnership. It will serve as a communication platform to jointly assess the current state of development in the country, share experiences and knowledge, discuss opportunities for effective collaboration and determine future directions. The TA will also meet the request by the governmental think-tanks of Uzbekistan to equip the research community with the necessary communication knowledge and skills. The proposed TA's spillover effect will be the promotion of green economic transformation and improvement of the role of female-economists.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is one of Uzbekistan's largest development partners, having committed more than $12 billion in 254 public sector loans, grants, guarantees, and technical assistance since Uzbekistan joined ADB in August 1995. In 2025, Uzbekistan and ADB commemorate the 30th anniversary of ADB-Uzbekistan partnership. The proposed TA will support the government and ADB for preparing and implementing a year-round commemoration program, which will include series of public-awareness events and inclusive collaborative activities aimed at triggering innovation, youth involvement, green development promotion and a commitment to further deepen and broaden the relationship.
ADB will actively pursue wide media engagement, social-media campaigns with youth involvement and other outreach events. The mobile photo competition will be organized through social media platform, radio-quiz on ADB activities in Uzbekistan and a media tour to ADB-funded projects. In addition, TA will support the production of a high-quality publication on ADB's partnership history along with the photo-exhibition for wider audience. Finally, the TA will support preparation of a comprehensive documentary with a historical account of ADB's contribution to Uzbekistan's development, which will be widely promoted through online platforms.
Grant (Technical Assistance Special Fund): US$ 225,000.00
Project Officer: Narghiza Alikulova
Designation: Communications Officer- Asian Development Bank
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