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According to the news released in the Bank’s website, the project aims to enhance the water system in Tbilisi and neighboring municipalities, building resilience against climate change on surface and groundwater resources.
Environment: B
Involuntary Resettlement: C
Indigenous Peoples: C
The rehabilitation, maintenance and repair of the entity's existing water and sanitation supply network will entail trenching of sections of the existing network, mostly along roads in urban municipality and in the surrounding municipalities.
No physical or economic displacement is expected as proceeds will be used only for rehabilitation of existing water supply and sanitation system. The company and the entity have land acquisition and compensation policy. Activities categorized as A or B for IR will be excluded.
No Indigenous Peoples are reported in Tbilisi and adjacent municipalities. No impact is expected among distinct and vulnerable Indigenous Peoples.
Loan (Leading Asia's Private Sector Infrastructure Fund 2): USD 30.00 million
According to the news released in the Bank’s website, the investment forms a part of a $300 million, 5-year issuance by GGU.
Georgia Global Utilities JSC is owned by Aqualia Georgia LLC and Georgia Capital JSC (GCAP), one of Georgia’s largest and most diversified investment companies. Aqualia Georgia LLC is a subsidiary of a leading Spanish water company, FCC Aqualia S.A., which operates in 18 countries.
Private Actor 1 | Private Actor 1 Role | Private Actor 1 Sector | Relation | Private Actor 2 | Private Actor 2 Role | Private Actor 2 Sector |
- | - | - | - | Georgia Global Utilities JSC | Client | - |
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The Accountability Mechanism is an independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who believe they are likely to be, or have been, adversely affected by an Asian Development Bank-financed project. If you submit a complaint to the Accountability Mechanism, they may investigate to assess whether the Asian Development Bank is following its own policies and procedures for preventing harm to people or the environment. You can learn more about the Accountability Mechanism and how to file a complaint at: