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According to the Bank’s website, the knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will help strengthen the capacity of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic to define and advance government reforms, and to program and implement Asian Development Bank (ADB) assistance in the country. The TA will deliver knowledge products and advisory support for the government's structural reforms and policy development and streamline government procedures and institutional framework required for efficient and effective planning of ADB projects. The TA will also support urban planning advisory services, including a pre-feasibility study to improve livability, contribute to climate resilience and low carbon emission as well as unlock tourism and economic potential in one selected district of Bishkek city.
The TA is designed to serve as a flexible and rapid response mechanism that supports ADB programs and projects for government policy studies and capacity development. The TA will support the Kyrgyz Republic resident mission (KYRM) in overseeing the conceptualization and programming of ADB sovereign operations and knowledge services and guiding origination priorities for nonsovereign (NSO) and advisory operations to ensure optimal country partnership strategy (CPS) implementation in close collaboration with the government.
The TA financing amount is $1,000,000, of which (i) $600,000 will be financed on a grant basis by ADB’s Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF 7); and (ii) $400,000 will be financed on a grant basis by the Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance (TAGF-SPA) and administered by ADB.
The government will provide counterpart support in the form of the counterpart staff, office accommodation, office facilities for selected seminars and meetings, access to data, secretarial assistance, and other in-kind contributions.
No contacts available at the time of disclosure.
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