Original disclosure @ ADB website
Updated in EWS Aug 16, 2024
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According to the Bank’s website, evaluation capacity development (ECD) and knowledge management are important aspects of the mandate of the Independent Evaluation Department (IED). Findings, recommendations, and lessons from IED’s validations of project completion reports (PCRs), as well as sector, thematic, and corporate evaluations, provide the evidence base to inform future projects.
The regional technical assistance (TA) supports ECD of DMC officials. The TA will (i) provide training for self-evaluation of projects, (ii) design and deliver innovative training modules to scale up and deepen evaluation capacity, and (iii) promote peer learning and knowledge exchange across DMCs through regional knowledge-sharing events. Training participants will primarily include government staff responsible for planning, monitoring, and implementing ADB projects but will also target selected officials with broader monitoring and evaluation responsibilities in executing and implementing agencies. ADB staff responsible for implementing projects and preparing PCRs will be invited to participate in ECD programs, supported through ADB’s staff learning budget.
The TA financing amount is $550,000, which will be financed on a grant basis by ADB’s Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF-other sources).
Project Officer: Sonia Chand Sandhu
Designation: Principal Evaluation Specialist- Asian Development Bank
Email: ssandhu@adb.org
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