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According to the Bank’s website, the project will promote affordable residential mortgage loans to women and the development and funding of benchmark green mortgage products in Kazakhstan via Otbasy Bank. This will enable them to target segments of the population that are significantly underserved in the market by the private sector by providing: (i) qualified women sub-borrowers with long-term, fixed rate subloans (mortgages) in local currency to acquire or renovate housing; and (ii) qualified low-to-moderate income population sub-borrowers with long-term, fixed rate subloans (green mortgages) in local currency to acquire green, energy efficient housing or for the renovation of existing housing to improve energy efficiency.
Kazakhstan faces the challenge of sustainable and affordable housing development and finance. There is a lack of affordable housing, low quality housing, limited access to land for construction, rising housing prices, and a lack of framework conditions for energy modernization of the old housing stock and the finance of green, energy efficient new housing. According to the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development (MIID), more than 651,960 Kazakhstanis are on the waiting list for housing as of April 2024 under state programs. This number increases by about 10% yearly.
Environment: C
Involuntary Resettlement: C
Indigenous Peoples: C
Loan (Ordinary capital resources): US$ 200.00 million
Grant (Technical Assistance Special Fund): US$ 500,000.00
The Government prioritizes housing finance and affordable housing development through various key strategic plans and has developed several housing programs. Those programs are implemented through Otbasy Bank that is fully owned by Baiterek Holding, a state holding company. Otbasy Bank has a mandate to provide mortgages for affordable housing to the low-to-moderate income and vulnerable population segments.
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