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According to the Bank’s website, the TA will support mainstreaming of private sector development (PSD) in ADB's operation in the South Asia Region (SAR) through the following activities: (i) preparation of private sector assessment (PSA) to assess challenges and opportunities for enhanced PSD in key sectors of the economy, (ii) identifying and embedding PSD components in the conceptualization and design of sovereign projects or programs, (iii) identifying and preparing opportunities for private sector participation (PSP) in the development of infrastructure and public goods, (iv) designing and piloting TA activities to support the growth of local enterprises, and (v) carrying out PSD advocacy and outreach programs.
The TA financing amount is $1,000,000.00, which will be financed on a grant basis by ADB’s Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF 7).
Project Officer: Takeo Koike
Designation: Regional Head, Private Sector Development - Asian Development Bank
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