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According to the Bank’s website, the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) requested assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the Sustainable Road Infrastructure Investment Project. The project is intended to improve about 16.4 kilometers of rural roads and upgrade the Ganir bridge to good condition, with a focus on enhanced climate-resilience measures, to improve access and enhance road safety; accelerate economic development in the states of Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap. The project aims to strengthen institutional capacity for effective management of road networks, climate and disaster risk management and planning, gender participation, and road asset maintenance rationale and design of the project have been agreed by the government. The project will have the following outcome: road transport efficiency, resilience, safety, and sustainability of the transport network of the FSM improved. The project outputs are:
Output 1: Existing road assets improved by integrating climate-resilient features. The project will upgrade about 16 km of roads in the four states and one bridge with climate-resilient and gender-responsive design features. Nature-based flood management measures and community-based disaster management are incorporated to mitigate residual risks of coastal inundation and erosion. Further, treatment of road crash blackspots will be undertaken in high-risk locations based on road safety audit findings. In addition, 6.65 km of footpaths and 59 safe and well-lit pedestrian crossings will be constructed in the vicinity of 14 schools and 10 facilities, including airports and seaports. The project will further enhance road safety features, such as lane markings, regulatory and warning road signage, guardrails, and hazardous marker posts.
Output 2: Institutional capacity for gender, climate resilience, and road asset management enhanced. Under this output: (i) a total of at least 10 staff members from DTC&I and the transport and infrastructure agencies of Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap will receive training on project management, climate and disaster risk planning and management, procurement, and road asset maintenance; (ii) at least 100 participants (75.0% women and girls) from the affected communities and contractors of the project roads will receive training on gender-based violence and sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment; and (iii) a road asset inventory with condition ratings will be completed for all state roads, and a 10-year transport sector investment and road maintenance plan will be prepared, including an annual maintenance plan and budget for each state. The road asset management plan will incorporate the findings and lessons from the pilot study on innovative tools for road rehabilitation works in the FSM.
Output 3: Road safety capacity enhanced. Under this output: the project will support (i) the preparation of a road safety audit manual for the FSM; (ii) the training of a total of at least eight staff members of the transport and infrastructure agencies of Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap on road safety management and practices; and (iii) the conduct of road safety and drunk driving campaigns for at least 250 participants (with equal representation of men and women) from the project-affected schools and communities along each of the project roads.
The project is proposed as category B for environment safeguards with four IEEs and EMPs being prepared to mitigate potential impacts under Output 1. Physical investments will be in the Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap States. Potential impacts on the environment have been assessed to not cause significant or lasting environmental impacts with measures proposed in the IEEs and EMPs considered adequate to mitigate foreseen risks.
The project is classified as category C for involuntary resettlement as no land acquisition will be required in the planned civil works. A due diligence report will be prepared following ADB's SPS (2009) and national government policies. Should involuntary resettlement safeguards be triggered, the project will be re-categorized, and a resettlement plan prepared based on the cadastral survey, additional consultations, and other findings arising from detailed design.
Initial assessment indicates that the project is classified as category C for indigenous peoples since no impacts are expected under the project on distinct and vulnerable groups of indigenous peoples as defined under ADB's SPS (2009).
The updated Infrastructure Development Plan, 2016-2025, identifies investment needs of $209 million for roads and pedestrian facility projects.
Grant (Asian Development Fund): US$ 24.90 million
Mr. Robert Goodwin
Department of Transportation, Communications and Infrastructure
Program Management Unit
FSM National Government
Palikir, Pohnpei
FSM 96941
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