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According to the Bank’s website, the project will upgrade the 41 km existing track from Chattogram to Dohazari and build a new bypass line of 2.5 km. The new bypass will allow direct operation from Dhaka to Cox's Bazar without stopping at the Chattogram station. The upgrade will include heighten the elevation of rail track, strengthen the drainage system, computerize the blocking signaling system, and dual-gauging of the track. This will enable a more resilient, reliable and efficient rail operation. In addition, 30 locomotives will also be procured.
Environment: category B. The proposed rail project is an existing line which will be upgraded. The project corridor lies within the physiographic units of Chattogram coastal plain and northern and eastern hills of Bangladesh. The project area consists of several ecological subsystems, e.g. open agricultural land, homesteads, railway side, and roadside vegetation. The open agriculture land ecosystem dominates the area providing widespread habitat, types for various species of flora and fauna under flooded and non-flooded conditions. Construction stage impacts include: (i) loss of productive agricultural lands and loss of topsoil; (ii) impairment of surface water drainage, construction of existing water bodies leading to flooding and dewatering; (iii) air, noise, and vibration impacts due to construction vehicles, equipment, and machinery operation, poor dust control during construction activities; (iv) inadequate spoil disposal management, and surface water contamination; and (v) inadequate occupational health and safety measures by the contractor.The major impact during construction period was predicted to be experienced around the completion of the 2-7 m high embankment, requiring 1.6 million tons of fill material. Once the rail line is in operation, access restrictions, air quality degradation in the local area, noise and vibration impacts and community health and safety will have moderate impacts.
Involuntary Resettlement: category A. A total of 1,942 households/units/entities will be affected for the project intervention, of which 1,825 are households (103 titled and 1,722 non-titled), 70 common pool resources (CPRs), 1 non-government organization (NGO) offices, 5 government offices and 41 BR owned structures will be affected. A total of 1,709 households will require relocation. Among these, 1,622 households (78 titled and 1,544 non-titled) require physical displacement and relocation. Besides these households, there are 87 (46 CPR,1 NGO, and 40 BR structures) who require relocation. In addition, 233 households are losing other secondary structures and relocation was not required. However, a total of 8,364 persons will be affected as per current census. In addition, a total of 8,833 trees (excluding 1,081 bananas and 200 bamboo) will be affected due to the implementation of the project.
Indigenous Peoples: category C. The proposed project shall be implemented in an existing railway infrastructure and will not pose any impact to indigenous peoples.
Loan (Ordinary capital resources): US$ 700.00 million
Bangladesh Railway is the state-owned rail transport agency of Bangladesh. It operates and maintains all railways in the country, and is overseen by the Directorate General of Bangladesh Railway. The Bangladesh Railway is governed by the Ministry of Railways and the Bangladesh Railway Authority.
Private Actor 1 | Private Actor 1 Role | Private Actor 1 Sector | Relation | Private Actor 2 | Private Actor 2 Role | Private Actor 2 Sector |
- | - | - | - | Bangladesh Railway | Client | - |
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