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As stated by the ADB, the TA aims to institutionalize gender mainstreaming in the Ministry of Energy in Kyrgyz Republic through the following activities:
(i) develop a gender strategy for the Ministry;
(ii) building capacity of the Ministry, female staff, and members of the Gender Council on applying a gender lens in programming;
(iii) incorporate gender aspects by establishing gender-sensitive workplace policies after reviewing current HR policies, and train staff on its use;
(iv) launch an outreach program to support women's employment in the energy sector, encourage girls to enroll to energy specialties, entry of women entrepreneurs into energy-related businesses by partnering with educational institutions; and
(v) increase regional cooperation of women in the energy sector through conducting a knowledge event and establishing regional partnerships.
ADB Team Leader:
Mary Alice Rosero - Senior Social Development Specialist (Gender and Development)
No contacts provided at the time of disclosure.
Executing Agency - Ministry of Energy:
No contacts available at the time of disclosure.
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