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The technical assistance (TA) will support the Government of India in enhancing the performance of its portfolio by conducting client-oriented, crosscutting, and operationally relevant capacity-building and knowledge-sharing programs. The TA will cover capacity building on Asian Development Bank (ADB) guidelines and procedures, and sector and thematic topics, through knowledge sharing and cross-learning sessions, including presentation of good practices. The TA will also support the conduct of tripartite portfolio review meetings (TPRMs) to support the delivery of the active portfolio and improve the project readiness and quality at entry of pipeline sovereign projects.
Risk Categorization: Low
The TA financing amount is $2 million, which will be financed on a grant basis by ADB’s Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF-other sources).
Contact Information
Project Officer: Vikram Annamraju
Designation: Senior Project Officer (Social Sector) - Asian Development Bank
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